Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Secret Magic Code Released

I just found a new Release:

A New "Magic Code" that when added to any site you have causes your site (or even any site) to magically start making money.

No joke. This discovery was made by a New York doctor who for the last 10 years used it secretly to do everything from offset his advertising costs, to just adding it to 1,000's of webpages and amass a personal wealth now of nearly $100 million cash!

And now he's decided to allow you and everyone else to share in it (and since he stands nothing more to gain by keeping "you" in the dark about it).

As it turns out, a number of the largest online firms such as Alexa, and even a good number of the top 100 sites ranked on the entire Web are already using this amazing, but very simple secret.

Alexa, for instance, adds this code to a number of their webpages and it allows them to automatically generate an "extra" $90,000 a month in profits � and that for just a single webpage!

If you had 10 such pages that each did likewise, you'd "magically" get $900,000 every 30 days just poured into your pocket!

And most important: You should instantly recognize the fact that since a firm like Alexa (as well as about 34% of the Web's top 100 sites) is using this, then you too should be using it.

But here's what may SHOCK you the absolute very most ...

o It takes you just 45 seconds to add this code to any webpage

o Once added you do NOTHING further � but money just starts
pouring in!

And remember ...

Just in case you think this isn't for real, firms like Alexa and others in the top 100 wouldn't be using it (but they are; so what does that tell you?)

If you are wise and want to make your webpages pay you money automatically simply by adding just a simple string of 1-line code to any webpage, then you had best go here immediately:


Why the need to RUSH? ... Simple:

The guy giving this out is letting just about another 500 to maybe 600 people at best find out about this, and then he's deliberately going to "pull the rug out from underneath" anyone else trying to get it!

I know, I know ... That sounds very cruel and unfair.

But that's his doing; so rather than argue with him it would probably just be a better idea to just go there and grab it so that at least "you" don't get left out in the rain, right?

But fair warning, in case you stumble upon this too late, just don't be shocked to see it's no longer available. Look at it and let me know what you think. I am definately gonna give it a try.

-James: Working for you at

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at, and keeps his information sensors full at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scams Verses Your Affiliate Internet Marketing Business

An Affiliate Internet Marketing promoter can be financially devastated by scams. The overload of home business ideas and opportunities available to both the “newbies” and the seasoned internet marketer can easily become overwhelming. The confusion as to what is legitimate and what is a scam is further exasperated by the recent up scaling of the quality of both the scammer’s sale’s copy and the graphic presentation of the sale’s page itself. To me these scammers put so much effort, time, and technique into their scams, that it seemingly would have been easier to promote a legitimate home business or product to begin with. Beware that scams not only exist in the procurement of a home business itself. Scams also exist in the promotion of such internet marketing tools as search optimization, pay for click advertising, list building, link sharing, traffic generation, and even web hosting. I have even seen products which teach the affiliate internet marketer to scam the scammer and virtually become a scammer himself. 5 concepts keep in mind:

1-Avoid the sense of urgency. We all want the best deal on our internet marketing product, but if it’s truly legitimate, it will still be there tomorrow, and next week for that matter.

2-Decide if you truly need the product. Is the internet marketing product or affiliate product is really what you need at this point in your home business. If so, do you even have time to implement it with all the other marketing tools you may have recently purchased.

3-Research the sales page and product yourself. The best way to do this is through a forum such as the The Warrior Forum, and read the reviews of those who may have purchased the products before you even knew it existed.

4-Do a search through a business directory, product review site , or even Google search. Chances are that if you can not find any legitimate content on what you are about to purchase, it is not legitimate.

5-Print the sales page, because in many case it will disappear if the internet business or product is a scam. This way you can email it back to the sender saying “you promised this.”

Finally, in order to succeed, one must take risks to a certain extent. Slow down and do your homework before taking action. Thoroughly utilize free information provided on social site and forums, remembering that
Sbhummer4u Works for You

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at, and keeps his information sensors full at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attention Internet Marketers: Google Opens Search Secrets

Google Chief Search Ranker, Amit Singhal, posted a detailed blog answering some common questions about the mysterious search ranking process. One search criteria which many affiliate marketers and internet marketers often wonder about is whether Google ever manually edits results? The "Boss" simply states:
“Let me just answer that with our third philosophy: no manual intervention. In our view, the web is built by people. You are the ones creating pages and linking to pages. We are using all this human contribution through our algorithms. The final ordering of the results is decided by our algorithms using the contributions of the greater Internet community, not manually by us.”
Mr. Singhal does not go into any detailed explanation at this time of the technologies of the algorithms that drive the rankings. He does say, however, that those topics will come up in a future posting.

At We are not holding our breath, but proceeding forward with our Affiliate Internet Business Marketing Promotion Online with cautious anticipation