Friday, September 26, 2008

Affiliate Internet Marketing-The Power Of Sub Domains

If you have an Affiliate Internet Marketing Promotion Online, a great way to create quality web sites, which are both extremely cost effective and easy to set up, is to create sub domains We all know what a domain is, but many webmasters are not yet familiar with the power and the many benefits of sub domains. Here you will find some basic information on sub domains, and some of the benefits of utilizing them in your online affiliate marketing promotions.

What a sub domain is:

In order to understand what a sub domain is, first let’s look at a regular domain. Most domains look like the following; Each domain refers to a specific site on the web and the search engines acknowledge each domain as a separate web site. While many domains have several web pages, each extra page is still considered the same site (for instance, While this is an easy way to add extra pages to your web site, most web developers who create new niches and start new web pages in order to promote sales from those niches usually purchase new domain names for each new niche, which they may have chosen to create and promote.

Creating sub domains make the whole process of adding new niches to an existing domain simple, affordable, and manageable. A sub domain is considered a sub extension of your already working domain. A sub domain is considered to be a separate domain an entity in itsef from the domain that it extends from. This means that all search engines (including Google) see the sub domain as a unique domain. Domains are created usually using your web hosting administration panel. In order to create a sub domain, the process usually takes a few minutes. For instance, instead of adding web pages that are on completely different topics to you’re website such as, you can choose to create a sub domain, which is written as follows: You might have noticed that all I did is add the word “article” and a dot before your domain name.

The Benefits of Sub domains:

Sub domains are not as popular as regular domains, because most webmasters are not aware of how easy they are to create and all the benefits that they can provide. Sub domains can be created on most web hosting accounts, usually taking a couple of minutes or less. There are many benefits of using sub domains; however here are the top three.

-First of all, while domains are affordable (costing about $10/mo. for a .com), if you are a web developer who is planning on creating dozens of web sites, $10 adds up quickly. Many affiliate marketers purchase 50, 100 or even 1,000 domains to create web sites that each bring in a small amount of income. Having 100 domains can easily cost $1,000 per year and once you add in the web hosting costs and annual renewal fees, you can easily see how quickly it can become expensive. Sub domains cost $0. Sub domains are free to create, whether you have 1 or 1,000.

-A second benefit of sub domains is that all search engines view sub domains as being unique from the regular domain. To Google, and are two unique sites. In essence, you get all the benefits of having many websites, without the costs of registering new domains sites and hosting them separately. In fact, sub domains are easily hosted on the same account as your normal domain ; they just show up as a separate folder, which makes them that much easier to manage and maintain.

-Finally, sub domains are extremely easy to create. You do not need a lot of technical expertise or special software. If you want to create a few sub domains, the process is relatively simple and straightforward by uploading free page templets usually available from your host However, to create many sub domains at one time, the process can be tedious, but there are many free software tools available to easily accomplish this task. For any marketer with numerous Affiliate Internet Marketing Business Promotions Online, utilizing sub domains for each niche marketed can save both time and money.

Working for You at Sbhummer4u
James McCanless

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, Article, and Affiliate Marketing. For more information on starting your own home based business visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healty Betty's Site., and keeps his information sensors full at Bettyjaneonline

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Google Evaluates Search Quality

In his recent blog post, Scott Huffman, Google’s engineering director for search evaluation, elaborates on Google’s search evaluation process effectively tagging the quality of their search results and the quality of their user’s experience.

“Evaluating search is difficult for several reasons.

· First, understanding what a user really wants when they type a query -- the query's "intent" -- can be very difficult. For highly navigational queries like [ebay] or [orbitz], we can guess that most users want to navigate to the respective sites. But how about [olympics]? Does the user want news, medal counts from the recent Beijing games, the IOC's homepage, historical information about the games, ... ? This same exact question, of course, is faced by our ranking and search UI teams. Evaluation is the other side of that coin.
· Second, comparing the quality of search engines (whether Google versus our competitors, Google versus Google a month ago, or Google versus Google plus the "letter T" hack) is never black and white. It's essentially impossible to make a change that is 100% positive in all situations; with any algorithmic change you make to search, many searches will get better and some will get worse.
· Third, there are several dimensions to "good" results. Traditional search evaluation has focused on the relevance of the results, and of course that is our highest priority as well. But today's search-engine users expect more than just relevance. Are the results fresh and timely? Are they from authoritative sources? Are they comprehensive? Are they free of spam? Are their titles and snippets descriptive enough? Do they include additional UI elements a user might find helpful for the query (maps, images, query suggestions, etc.)? Our evaluations attempt to cover each of these dimensions where appropriate.
· Fourth, evaluating Google search quality requires covering an enormous breadth. We cover over a hundred locales (country/language pairs) with in-depth evaluation. Beyond locales, we support search quality teams working on many different kinds of queries and features. For example, we explicitly measure the quality of Google's spelling suggestions, universal search results, image and video searches, related query suggestions, stock oneboxes, and many, many more.

To get at these issues, we employ a variety of evaluation methods and data sources:
· Human evaluators. Google makes use of evaluators in many countries and languages. These evaluators are carefully trained and are asked to evaluate the quality of search results in several different ways. We sometimes show evaluators whole result sets by themselves or "side by side" with alternatives; in other cases, we show evaluators a single result at a time for a query and ask them to rate its quality along various dimensions.
· Live traffic experiments. We also make use of experiments, in which small fractions of queries are shown results from alternative search approaches. Ben Gomes talked about how we make use of these experiments for testing search UI elements in his previous post. With these experiments, we are able to see real users' reactions (clicks, etc.) to alternative results.”
Scott Huffman went on to explain that one of the biggest draw backs in evaluating keywords verses synonyms are language barriers. Apparently the human evaluation can only be trusted at this level.
“Choosing an appropriate sample of queries to evaluate can be subtle. When evaluating a proposed search improvement, we consider not only whether a given query's results are changed by the proposal, but also how much impact the change is likely to have on users. For instance, a query whose first three results are changed is likely much higher impact than one for which results 9 and 10 are swapped. In Amit Singhal's previous post on ranking, he discussed synonyms. Recently, we evaluated a proposed update to make synonyms more aggressive in some cases. On a flat (non-impact-weighted) sample of affected queries, the change appeared to be quite positive. However, using an evaluation of an impact-weighted sample, we found that the change went much too far. For example, in Chinese, it synonymized "small" (小) and "big" (大)... not a good idea!”

An affiliate online marketer or home business owner must always attempt to monitor Google’s ever fluctuating search quality agenda in promoting their online business, and just hope that they meet whatever criteria Google may assign for today’s searches.

Working For You at Sbhummer4u
James McCanless

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healthy Betty's Site, and keeps his information sensors full at Betty Jane Online.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Make Money Online With Niche Websites

If you are looking to make money online by developing web sites, one way that has been proven to work many times is to use a niche development strategy. Niche marketing isn’t new, however it is still an extremely profitable way to make small obscure web sites generate above average income. Here are some tips for your affiliate Internet marketing niche websites.

What is a Niche?

Niche sites are web sites that focus on small categories. For instance, a web developer can easily create a web site on a large category, lets say home improvement, and while home improvement may be a topic that millions of people search for, the truth of the matter is that they are not just searching for home improvement, but a sub topic, lets say outdoor siding or kitchen counters. A niche is an extremely targeted topic that will bring you far fewer visitors, but the visitors that it brings you will be more targeted and probably much more interested in the information that you are offering, and therefore more likely to buy than the non targeted visitor.

Even the sub topic of outdoor siding, can be broken down even further. Niches can be extremely targeted, for instance vinyl siding or even vinyl siding in the Seattle area. While the downside is that the more focused your niche, the less visitors you will have, the upside is that the more focused your niche, the more likely each visitor that comes to your site will find information and products that match their needs.

Niche Sites Deliver

Niche sites delivers in several ways including adverting and the selling of products. Many webmasters monetize their niche sites to be extremely profitable by using advertising services such as Google Adsense and Yahoo Publishers Network, as well as selling advertisements on their web site.

Other ways to streamline your niche site for profit is to sell a specific product (either your own, or an affiliate’s product that fits the niche and is high of quality). Most web developers that customize niche sites find that when it comes to click through rates and interest toward products, nothing beats a niche site for performance.

A great strategy to use when trying to customize your niche site is to create an opt in email list. Once you receive targeted traffic from your niche site, you should start to collect an opt in email list. An opt in email list is when you ask for the emails of your visitors and offer them more information about a topic (i.e. newsletter), free software or a digital coupon to save on products that you sell. Creating an opt in email list on your niche site is a great way to stay in touch with the people that visit your site on a weekly or monthly basis.

Using advertising, affiliate products, your own products along with an opt in email list to develop and promote your niche site is one of the most proven methods to create regular and passive income. If you are looking to become a web developer, or you are already creating web sites, creating niche sites is an extremely profitable strategy in promoting an online business in affiliate marketing or even in promoting a specific product of your own. Sites such as Sbhummer4u are developed to aid both the beginner and the experienced Internet marketer further develops an affiliate Internet marketing business promotion online.

Remember Sbhummer4u works for you.
James McCanless

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healthy Betty's Site, and keeps his information sensors full at Betty Jane Online.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Choosing from Internet Work at Home Jobs

"Come one come all." Focus on one; not all.

Anyone who knows anything about the Internet knows there is an abundance of internet income opportunities. Although this makes it possible for everyone to have a possibility to make money online, it also means there is more work involved for those who are seeking to locate Internet income opportunities. If the only Internet income opportunities were web design, it would be much easier for seekers—they would only need to research the company or set up their own company. Unfortunately this is not the case so those seeking Internet income opportunities must be selective in their choices and take the time to make knowledgeable decisions

In the past ten to fifteen years the Internet has become a commodity that very few people lack. Even if they don’t own a computer, they have access to one either at the library or at work and can certainly find Internet work at home jobs that will help them meet their financial obligations. It is unlikely you will find more than ten per cent of the population without a computer at home. The only problem you may find is dragging your children away from the computer to give you the time to search for Internet income opportunities. If you look back even ten years you will find many more work from home opportunities in existence today. While part of that may have begun when DSL and cable high speed Internet entered the scene, most of it is just the array of technological advances that have come into play over the years.

One of the most popular Internet income opportunities is freelancing. Whether it’s writing, editing, transcribing, teaching, or any other choice, there is no denying how quickly the freelancing market has expanded Self-publishing and POD publishing have become very popular and have offered both writers and publishers additional Internet income opportunities. As more technological advances occur in the world, there will be even more opportunities for making an income online. Many think we will see the time when everyone will telecommute instead of going to work daily, but although that may work in some fields, it’s hard to imagine someone building an appliance or car by sitting at his or her home computer.

Internet income opportunities exist in many different fields and have created jobs for people who may not have been able to work otherwise. It allows mothers to stay at home and raise their children instead of having to travel to work every day and hope
the children don’t get sick. As more people make the choice to take advantage of Internet income opportunities, will the market become saturated over time? That is a question that many have asked but that even the economists are unable to answer. It’s difficult to imagine the internet becoming saturated in any field with its worldwide expanse.

As with any business venture, do not make any decision concerning Internet income opportunities until you have researched your areas of interest thoroughly. It’s essential for you to have all available information before you decide on the right online income opportunity for you as an individual. Finally, make your own decision and don’t let anyone else decide for you. Your success will be measured by your ability to take one venture (say Online Affiliate Marketing Opportunity) at a time, and apply your focus there completely and not be distracted by trying to go in too many different directions at the same time. This can lead to Internet burnout and cause many unnecessary frustrations where success could have been achieved by exercising patience and focus.

Remember: Sbhummer4u works for you.
James McCanless

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healthy Betty's Site and keeps his information sensors full at Betty Jane Online


Choosing from Internet Work at Home Jobs

Anyone who knows anything about the Internet knows there is an abundance of internet income opportunities. Although this makes it possible for everyone to have a possibility to make money online, it also means there is more work involved for those who are seeking to locate Internet income opportunities. If the only Internet income opportunities were web design, it would be much easier for seekers—they would only need to research the company or set up their own company. Unfortunately this is not the case so those seeking Internet income opportunities must be selective in their choices and take the time to make knowledgeable decisions

In the past ten to fifteen years the Internet has become a commodity that very few people lack. Even if they don’t own a computer, they have access to one either at the library or at work and can certainly find Internet work at home jobs that will help them meet their financial obligations. It is unlikely you will find more than ten per cent of the population without a computer at home. The only problem you may find is dragging your children away from the computer to give you the time to search for Internet income opportunities. If you look back even ten years you will find many more work from home opportunities in existence today. While part of that may have begun when DSL and cable high speed Internet entered the scene, most of it is just the array of technological advances that have come into play over the years.

One of the most popular Internet income opportunities is freelancing. Whether it’s writing, editing, transcribing, teaching, or any other choice, there is no denying how quickly the freelancing market has expanded Self-publishing and POD publishing have become very popular and have offered both writers and publishers additional Internet income opportunities. As more technological advances occur in the world, there will be even more opportunities for making an income online. Many think we will see the time when everyone will telecommute instead of going to work daily, but although that may work in some fields, it’s hard to imagine someone building an appliance or car by sitting at his or her home computer.

Internet income opportunities exist in many different fields and have created jobs for people who may not have been able to work otherwise. It allows mothers to stay at home and raise their children instead of having to travel to work every day and hope
the children don’t get sick. As more people make the choice to take advantage of Internet income opportunities, will the market become saturated over time? That is a question that many have asked but that even the economists are unable to answer. It’s difficult to imagine the internet becoming saturated in any field with its worldwide expanse.

As with any business venture, do not make any decision concerning Internet income opportunities until you have researched your areas of interest thoroughly. It’s essential for you to have all available information before you decide on the right online income opportunity for you as an individual. Finally, make your own decision and don’t let anyone else decide for you. Your success will be measured by your ability to take one venture (say Online Affiliate Marketing Opportunity) at a time, and apply your focus there completely and not be distracted by trying to go in too many different directions at the same time. This can lead to Internet burnout and cause many unnecessary frustrations where success could have been achieved by exercising patience and focus.
Remember Sbhummer4u works for you.
James McCanless

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healthy Betty's Site and keeps his information sensors full at Betty Jane Online

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Making Money at Home-Calculating the Cost of your Job

Many people choose to work at home because they simply do not like the 9 to 5 scenario. Others do it to save on commuting time. Some people do it to be able to be at home with their family. However, one of the biggest reasons people stay at home to work is to save money.

Work at home jobs may not always have the high salary your job outside the home does, but when you really think about how much your job is costing you the earnings start to equal out.

Costs to Consider

When you work outside the home you may just look at how much you are earning in your salary, the actual price you pay for working may never cross your mind. You have to think, though, that going to work and actually working your job is costing you money. The sad part is that you may not even realize just how much it is costing you.

Transportation costs alone can be huge, especially with today’s high gas prices. You have to figure in gas, repairs, insurance and your car payment since without all of these things you cannot get to work. If you do not drive then consider the price you have to pay to get there, like bus tickets or taxi cab fare.

You also have to think about the price you pay for clothing. Most jobs require some type of special wardrobe. You need to think about how much you spend on everything from shoes to getting your hair done.

Another thing to consider is how much you spend on lunch. You probably go out to lunch since that is convenient. If you do, then figure that in.

If you have children then figure in daycare.

All of these costs are what you are paying to work. Subtract them from your salary to get what you really make at your job. You will probably be very surprised.

Work at Home Costs

You have to consider the flip side, though. Working at home isn’t free either. You will need to calculate how much it will cost you to work at home.

You should figure in your computer and Internet costs. You will also need to figure in electricity since you will now be home using it everyday and you telephone costs if you use it for work. You should figure in anything that you will use for work such as pens, paper and printer ink.

You may also still need childcare so figure that in too. When you are done total it up. You may not know just yet how much you will make, but you can use this total to compare the costs of working at home and working outside the home.

Comparing and Deciding

Once you have figured how much each work scenario costs you then you can compare them. You should see which one makes the most sense. If you are paying out way more to work outside the home then you may want to consider working at home.

You need to make the choice that is best for you. Sbhummer is all about working from home, and Sbhummer works for you.

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healthy Betty's Site, and keeps his information sensors full at Betty Jane Online.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Affiliate Internet Home Business: Visable Or Invisable

As the owner of an affiliate Internet marketing promotion online, one might wonder quite often if their site is lost in the maze of confusion and competition.. In a recent Google Blog post, Jesse Alpert & Nissan Hajaje confided in the absolute enormity of the Internet
And it’s content:

“So how many unique pages does the web really contain? We don't know; we don't have time to look at them all! :-) Strictly speaking, the number of pages out there is infinite -- for example, web calendars may have a "next day" link, and we could follow that link forever, each time finding a "new" page. We're not doing that, obviously, since there would be little benefit to you. But this example shows that the size of the web really depends on your definition of what's a useful page, and there is no exact answer.

We don't index every one of those trillion pages -- many of them are similar to each other, or represent auto-generated content similar to the calendar example that isn't very useful to searchers. But we're proud to have the most comprehensive index of any search engine, and our goal always has been to index all the world's data.

To keep up with this volume of information, our systems have come a long way since the first set of web data Google processed to answer queries. Back then, we did everything in batches: one workstation could compute the PageRank graph on 26 million pages in a couple of hours, and that set of pages would be used as Google's index for a fixed period of time. Today, Google downloads the web continuously, collecting updated page information and re-processing the entire web-link graph several times per day. This graph of one trillion URLs is similar to a map made up of one trillion intersections. So multiple times every day, we do the computational equivalent of fully exploring every intersection of every road in the United States. Except it'd be a map about 50,000 times as big as the U.S., with 50,000 times as many roads and intersections.”

So just the thought of your site gaining search top traffic at the right intersection (ranking) at the right time it is being indexed is both a complex and a simple task.
In a more recent post, Google engineer Ben Gomes outlined Google’s fundamental principals used to gain the information your search query will render:

· “A small page. A small page is quick to download and generally faster for your browser to display. This results in a minimalist design aesthetic; extra fanciness in the interface slows down the page without giving you much benefit.
· Complex algorithms with a simple presentation. Many search features require a great deal of algorithmic complexity and a vast amount of data analysis to make them work well. The trick is to hide all that complexity behind a clean, intuitive user interface. Spelling correction, snippets, site links and query refinements are examples of features that require sophisticated algorithms and are constantly improving. From the user's point of view search, almost invisibly, just works better.
· Features that work everywhere. Features must be designed such that the algorithms and presentation can be adapted to work in all languages and countries. Consider the problem of spell correction in Chinese, where user queries are often not broken up into words or Hebrew/Arabic, where text is written right to left (interestingly, this is believed to be an example of first-mover disadvantage -- when chiseling on stone, it is easier to hold the hammer in your right hand!).
· Data driven decisions - experiment, experiment, experiment. We try to verify that we've done the right thing by running experiments. Designs that may seem promising may end up testing poorly.”

Several key elements in providing more site visibility are
- Page Title; Have a clear and relevant title to your site; located in several locations on your home page.
- Clear Description; Don’t make the search engine have to create a snippet..
- Keyword Simplicity; Although 200 keywords used to = ranking, search engines are now catching on to this trick.
- Update Content; Do it often, your indexing by the search engine is now penalized by seeing the same content time after time.

Nurture the visibility of your Affiliate Marketing Promotion by constantly monitoring your content, your links, and the search engines’ perception of your site’s structural simplicity.
Remember Sbhummer4u works for you.
James McCanless

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at, and keeps his information sensors full at

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Secret Magic Code Released

I just found a new Release:

A New "Magic Code" that when added to any site you have causes your site (or even any site) to magically start making money.

No joke. This discovery was made by a New York doctor who for the last 10 years used it secretly to do everything from offset his advertising costs, to just adding it to 1,000's of webpages and amass a personal wealth now of nearly $100 million cash!

And now he's decided to allow you and everyone else to share in it (and since he stands nothing more to gain by keeping "you" in the dark about it).

As it turns out, a number of the largest online firms such as Alexa, and even a good number of the top 100 sites ranked on the entire Web are already using this amazing, but very simple secret.

Alexa, for instance, adds this code to a number of their webpages and it allows them to automatically generate an "extra" $90,000 a month in profits � and that for just a single webpage!

If you had 10 such pages that each did likewise, you'd "magically" get $900,000 every 30 days just poured into your pocket!

And most important: You should instantly recognize the fact that since a firm like Alexa (as well as about 34% of the Web's top 100 sites) is using this, then you too should be using it.

But here's what may SHOCK you the absolute very most ...

o It takes you just 45 seconds to add this code to any webpage

o Once added you do NOTHING further � but money just starts
pouring in!

And remember ...

Just in case you think this isn't for real, firms like Alexa and others in the top 100 wouldn't be using it (but they are; so what does that tell you?)

If you are wise and want to make your webpages pay you money automatically simply by adding just a simple string of 1-line code to any webpage, then you had best go here immediately:


Why the need to RUSH? ... Simple:

The guy giving this out is letting just about another 500 to maybe 600 people at best find out about this, and then he's deliberately going to "pull the rug out from underneath" anyone else trying to get it!

I know, I know ... That sounds very cruel and unfair.

But that's his doing; so rather than argue with him it would probably just be a better idea to just go there and grab it so that at least "you" don't get left out in the rain, right?

But fair warning, in case you stumble upon this too late, just don't be shocked to see it's no longer available. Look at it and let me know what you think. I am definately gonna give it a try.

-James: Working for you at

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at, and keeps his information sensors full at

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scams Verses Your Affiliate Internet Marketing Business

An Affiliate Internet Marketing promoter can be financially devastated by scams. The overload of home business ideas and opportunities available to both the “newbies” and the seasoned internet marketer can easily become overwhelming. The confusion as to what is legitimate and what is a scam is further exasperated by the recent up scaling of the quality of both the scammer’s sale’s copy and the graphic presentation of the sale’s page itself. To me these scammers put so much effort, time, and technique into their scams, that it seemingly would have been easier to promote a legitimate home business or product to begin with. Beware that scams not only exist in the procurement of a home business itself. Scams also exist in the promotion of such internet marketing tools as search optimization, pay for click advertising, list building, link sharing, traffic generation, and even web hosting. I have even seen products which teach the affiliate internet marketer to scam the scammer and virtually become a scammer himself. 5 concepts keep in mind:

1-Avoid the sense of urgency. We all want the best deal on our internet marketing product, but if it’s truly legitimate, it will still be there tomorrow, and next week for that matter.

2-Decide if you truly need the product. Is the internet marketing product or affiliate product is really what you need at this point in your home business. If so, do you even have time to implement it with all the other marketing tools you may have recently purchased.

3-Research the sales page and product yourself. The best way to do this is through a forum such as the The Warrior Forum, and read the reviews of those who may have purchased the products before you even knew it existed.

4-Do a search through a business directory, product review site , or even Google search. Chances are that if you can not find any legitimate content on what you are about to purchase, it is not legitimate.

5-Print the sales page, because in many case it will disappear if the internet business or product is a scam. This way you can email it back to the sender saying “you promised this.”

Finally, in order to succeed, one must take risks to a certain extent. Slow down and do your homework before taking action. Thoroughly utilize free information provided on social site and forums, remembering that
Sbhummer4u Works for You

. James McCanless now writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet, article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit His wife Betty keeps him healthy at, and keeps his information sensors full at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attention Internet Marketers: Google Opens Search Secrets

Google Chief Search Ranker, Amit Singhal, posted a detailed blog answering some common questions about the mysterious search ranking process. One search criteria which many affiliate marketers and internet marketers often wonder about is whether Google ever manually edits results? The "Boss" simply states:
“Let me just answer that with our third philosophy: no manual intervention. In our view, the web is built by people. You are the ones creating pages and linking to pages. We are using all this human contribution through our algorithms. The final ordering of the results is decided by our algorithms using the contributions of the greater Internet community, not manually by us.”
Mr. Singhal does not go into any detailed explanation at this time of the technologies of the algorithms that drive the rankings. He does say, however, that those topics will come up in a future posting.

At We are not holding our breath, but proceeding forward with our Affiliate Internet Business Marketing Promotion Online with cautious anticipation

Monday, June 16, 2008

Market Your Affiliate Business By Marketing Articles

The real deal is that the more links to your site, the more free traffic you get, and the more opportunity you will have to generate income with your affiliate internet marketing website.

Writing articles and posting them in blogs and directories puts your links out there virtually forever. Increasing your bottom line with Internet marketing articles is not a new phenomenon, yet at this point in time it is still vastly under used: thus the door remains wide open for the savoy online marketer to profit from this practice.

Considered to be one of the cheapest and most cost effective online marketing techniques, all well scripted Internet marketing articles have four things in common:

1. They are well written, informative and keyword rich.

2. They showcase a good, service or company without actually making a sales pitch.

3. They can be placed anywhere on the Internet since they are not considered SPAM.

4. They stand the test of time-a virtual perpetual online marketing tool.

The idea is very simple:

As an online marketer it’s ok for you to outsource an experienced freelance writer or writing company that is in the business of writing content for the Net. These writers know the buzzwords, understand keyword density, and make their living by knowing the proper diction and grammar. If you have ever run across an article that was filled with errors, mistakes, and factual inconsistencies, you know exactly how poorly this reflects on the business!

Within such articles your good, service or company may be discussed from a multitude of angles and since the author will stop just shy of using an outright text link to make a sales pitch, these Internet marketing articles are not considered SPAM.

As a matter of fact, several online article posting sites consider them coveted commodities in that they provide useful how-to advice and also offer a way of adding sticky content to affiliated sites or even newsletters!

Readers from a variety of niches are exposed to the content that discuss your business. This very fact will bring you customers or interested parties who otherwise might have passed on your business info to look elsewhere. What really blows me away is that the only cost associated with this the creation of Internet marketing articles is the fee charged by the writers!

There is no cheaper way to get your name out online than this form of semi-free advertising. Secondly it protects you from allegations of spamming. Spamming is a very serious concern to any business as it ties the name and reputation of the merchant (you are me) to the accusation of Spam.

Just the accusation itself may cause even those who have had no dealings with the your company (website) to exclude themselves and you from any further target groups. -Virtual Wipe Out!

Online business entrepreneurs who have not only decided to track the spike in web traffic but also the increase in sales have found that their repeat business was a lot higher than originally estimated.

The root cause may of course be found in the unique method of marketing to consumers by not only creating and explaining the need for an item or service, but also providing a glimpse of that feel good moment associated with using it.

As I stated earlier; The real deal: Internet marketing articles work for you at a bare bones cost and as you already know SbHummer4U works for you.

James McCanless occasionally writes on a variety of subjects related to Internet , article, and affiliate marketing. For more information visit SB Hummer
His wife Betty keeps him healthy at Healthy Betty

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Maintaining Your Level Of Exitement In Your Home Business

There is nothing more compelling that the chance of being able to work at home in your own home based business earning more cash than most people make in their jobs. It is also well known that many people fail to ever make any money in home based business. The question is why do so many fail and what can be done to secure success. Actually, the answer to this question is very simple. If you want to ensure your home business success then you must refuse to give up.

Many of the most successful entrepreneurs who have made big money in their own home business will tell you that they failed many times before finally making it. The difference is they simply refused to give up. They kept trying and refining their marketing and advertising strategies until they efforts paid off and their business took off.

It is not easy to succeed in work at home based business. If it were they would be no value in it. That is why those who succeed big time in home business are those who have simply refused to accept defeat. Even if they failed once or twice or even many times they learned from each failure and tried again. They tried again and again until they achieved the success they were looking for.

The following are some simple tips to help you stay motivated and on target even when failure seems to follow you around.

1) Write down why you want to succeed in your home business. Maybe you want to have more time with your family or maybe you want to retire early and travel the world. As you venture in your journey read over this vision again and again to remember what it is you really want.

2) Keep a journal of what has worked for you and has not worked. Refer often to this journal often so that you don’t make the same mistakes again.

3) Dream Big! Dream Real Big! Even if your dream is only to make $100,000 per year in your home business, decide that you are going to go after an income of $500,000 per year and your chances of making $100,000 are even better. Think big and you will achieve more than you ever thought you could. There is no reason in the world that you cannot do this just as well as the people you have.

4) Make the deliberate decision that you will never quit no matter what happens. This is the type of commitment
that makes dreams possible.

You don’t have to accept failure and give up your dream of owning a profitable home based business. Even if you have failed 50 times you can learn something from each failure and increase your probability of success the next time. Consider your glass is half full instead of half empty. Consider it this way. Every time you try and fail you have learned what does not work and that means you are one step closer to success than you were before. With out question the opportunities on the internet are unlimited. Sheer perseverance and focus will undoubtedly lead to a positive outcome.

For more information on starting your own home business visit:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

5 Work at Home Myths and Mistaken Assumptions

When it comes to working at home there are many myths and misconceptions out there. Many times these myths and misconceptions make people decide against working at home. They also can be harmful because they lead people to believe that working at home is something that it is not. A lot of the time people believe these things without even finding out if they are true or legitimate. It is important for a person who is interested in working at home to figure out fact from fiction. is real and it really Works for You

The following are the top myths and misconceptions that a person may run into when looking into working at home:

1. Working at home means complete freedom. This is not completely true. While it has some truth to it is also a little misleading. The idea that a person is completely free when working at home does not make a lot of sense. The reason it is called working at home is because it involves work. If a person were truly free they would not have any work to do. So, working at home does give a person freedom, but at the same time it is still important to remember there is also time that must go into working.

2. Working at home works for everyone. This is completely not true. Working at home is not for everyone. It requires a lot of commitment, dedication, professionalism and organization. A person has to be able to commit to the work and get it done. Not everyone works well independently and on their own. Some people simply need direction and need someone to keep them going. For people like that working at home is not the best option.

3. Working at home is easy. This may come from the fact that working at home has many perks, but that does not mean it is easy. A person is still working and still has responsibilities. Working at home is like any other job. It is important that people understand working at home can sometimes be more demanding then working outside the home, but the payoffs are often what make it worth it.

4. There are no “real” work at home jobs. This is very wrong. Many people focus in on the scams and think that is what working at home is about. The truth is that there are many people out there working at home and making more then they ever could in a job outside the home. Many people are raising a family on their work at home job. There are many real work at home jobs, but it does take determination and work to find the good ones where the real potential is found.

These four myths and misconceptions can lead to real problems for people who believe them. Working at home is a wonderful opportunity that should not be missed simply due to believing things like this. A person should find out the truth before they give up completely on working at home. Give it time to grow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Video coming soon!

I will have video posts coming real soon.......Please come back often......You too mom!

Hey Mom, Work from home

Being A Work From Home Mom
There are so many great things that you will be able to do as a work from home mom. Many people think that they either have to be a full time mom and stay home with their children, or they have to be a working mom and therefore not be home with their kids. However, you don’t have to worry about choosing, because now you can be a work from home mom, and this is something that is even better.
When you are a work from home mom it means that you are working but you are working at home. This gives you plenty of time to be with your children and allows you to be there with them each day. Many times if you are a work from home mom you will be able to set your own schedule so you can work while your kids are napping or while they are at school. You will be able to find your own time to work and this means that you can also find the right times to be with your kids. Being a work from home mom is something that is great because you can set your own hours and take care of your own work and at the same time you can be there for your kids.
There are many people who would prefer to be a work from home mom because it will let them finally spend that time at home with their children that they would like to spend. This is something that you have probably thought a lot about because it can be very frustrating having to be away from your children. As a work from home mom you will not have to be away from them and you will not have to worry about what you might miss.
There are some things to think about as you look for a job as a work from home mom First of all, see if you can do something along the same lines that you have already done in your life. If you have education in a certain area or if you have lots of experience, you might be able to translate this to a work from home mom position. This can often be the best because you will be able to do what you already know how to do and do it from home. If you are currently working, your own boss might have a great suggestion about how to do your job from home. This can often be the best way that you have of doing things.
There aren't very many times as precious in your life as your children's young years, so if you can figure out how to be a work from home mom and not have to worry about being away from them, this will be one of the best decisions that you ever made! Be sure that you are there for your kids and be a work from home mom.

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Mortage Site

I have a new mortgage search site with a fresh approachs to today's awful situations. Faster and more responsive than your typical worn out sites. Over 350 banks and lenders give you the best shot even if you are close to forclosure....Please take a look and give me any feed back

Who owns your business

Finding Out Who Really Owns Your Business
Every home business owner loves the idea of owning their own business, but after a while it may become apparent that although their name is on the door and they are accountable for every legal aspect of the business, they may not be the actual owner. Whether you have accepted a business offer from an online customer, bought into a franchise or accepted investments from friends or relatives, the ownership or your home business has may be filled with some wrinkles.
In the online business world, you have probably seen the offers to sign up with a company to run your own business. Even though your name or the name of your business will be on the website, it is still owned by the main company. You are nothing more than a distributor for their products or services and without choice are following their business model, selling their products at pre-set prices and earning what the company says you are going to earn.
That is not to say it is a bad thing, but many people who join these companies delude themselves into thinking they are business owners. You will not be able to make any changes on the website, nor will you be able to still anything that is not from the main company and in a majority of these businesses you will not be allowed to adjust pricing. The only thing you can control is how much money you spend on marketing this new business venture.
Franchising in an excellent way to open a business, whether brick and mortar or strictly online, but it presents a similar situation for the franchise business owner. Fess will be charged to take advantage of any national advertising campaigns and you are restricted to using only products bought from them or their authorized distributors. Again, your name will be right up there as owning the franchise for the business, but the business itself.
Funding for a new business can be difficult, with a few choices available. If you have managed to save money over several years to fund your own start-up business and accept money from no outside sources, then you are truly the business owner. If you take money from investors, they may believe they have a say in how the business operates as they want to protect their investment and if you max out your credit cards to fund your new business, then it is owned jointly by you and the credit card companies.
One mistake many new business owners make is asking for loans from relatives to get their business up and running. While it may seem like a good idea at the time, conversation at holiday gatherings will go in the same direction as the business. If business is good and everyone is making some money from their investments then holiday meals can be a happy and fun time. Conversely, if business is not going as well as expected, turkey may not be the only thing discussed at the family Thanksgiving meal.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sbhummer4U working 4 U

"I've just launched my new blog! Stay tuned...Best regards,James McCanless"
... or whatever YOU want to say I want to hear it. I wil be posting articles with very relevant content on a regular basis. Please post your feedbck

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Working 4 U

Please take a look and tell me what you think...I'm also looking for ideas for the future of my blog. What kind of information are you looking for that I could write articles about?

Thanks, JamesI
appreciate your feedback!
James McCanless